contig assembly software
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molecular biology software
sequence assembly

DNA Baser

Supported file formats

sequence assembly software





DNA Sequence Assembler supports:

  • SCF chromatograms
  • Applied Biosystems (ABI, AB, AB1, AB!) chromatograms
  • FASTA/multiFasta sequences (FASTA, FA, FTS, FST, FNA, FSA, FSTA)
  • GenBank/multiGenBank sequences (GB, GEN, GbWithParts)
  • SEQ sequences
  • TXT sequences



NextGen files

  • Support for ACE files will be added soon.
  • SFF file are supported via SFF Workbench



How to see only a specific file type in DNA Baser


From the 'File type' drop down box you can change the current file format in Sample Explorer. To display all supported files please choose 'All supported'.


DNA Sequence Assembler supports: SCF chromatograms, Applied Biosystems (ABI, AB, AB1, AB!) chromatograms, FASTA/multiFasta sequences, SEQ sequences, TXT sequences, GenBank/multiGbk sequences. Sample Viewer/Chromatogram viewer mode




Converting between miscellaneous formats


DNA Baser Sequence Assembler can convert between the above mentioned formats.






molecular biology software
abi trace assembly
  SciVance Technologies